
98% of our products ship from our warehouse in Hamden, Connecticut. The odd product or two may ship directly from our suppliers.
95% of our products ship directly from our warehouse from in Hamden, Connecticut. For the odd item that we don't have in stock or print on demand, we may have it shipped from our supplier. In any case, the tracking email will tell you what has shipped in that shipment. If there is more to ship, you will receive a new email with a new tracking number as soon as it ships.
Since we are an online store, our warehouse is not always staffed during regular business hours. However we do try to accomodate the best we can. If you would like to come to our warehouse, please email us at questions@maxbarbell.com and let's see if we can tee up a time. Our warehouse is in Hamden, 2 minutes from the Quinnipiac University York Hill Campus. Please note that our location is a warehouse and not a typical storefront.
Tracking information can take up to a day to show anything informative. Give it a little time and you should be able to keep an eye on your order. We have noticed that thing are taking a little longer to update during the pandemic.

Yes, you should see international shipping options available at checkout. Whether you are in Canada, Mexico, Europe, Asia or elsewhere, we ship there! Any import duties, taxes or brokerage fees due at the time of delivery are the sole responsibility of the receiving customer. These vary from country to country, so we have no idea if your country will levy extra costs on your import. Packing slips for International Shipments cannot be marked as a "gift" or with altered prices.

If your order is returned to us due to an incorrect address, insufficient address, abandoned package, or refused package, you are responsible for the original shipping cost. This amount will be deducted from your order. No exceptions!

To keep our prices and the cost to you as low as possible we either ship with USPS or UPS within the United States. This usually depends on which one is the cheapest for your location. Since we are on the East coast, most items East of Texas will go via USPS Priority or First Class Mail. Texas and west are usually shipped via UPS Ground. The service we ship with will depend a lot upon the size and weight of your order.

This all depends on the size and weight of your order and where in the country or internationally you are located. We ship out most order same or next day. Typical transit times are:

Domestic (USA):
USPS Priority Mail - usually around 2-3 business days
UPS Ground - up to 5 business days

USPS Priority or First Class Mail - usually between 7 and 21 days.

Please note, during the COVID-19 pandemic, transit times have wildly varied. While most packages are arriving quickly, expect the possible delay.

We email or text/SMS a tracking number as soon as your order is ready to ship. If you did not receive a tracking number email/txt it is possible that you did not add an email or phone number to your order. Please email us questions@maxbarbell.com to ask us for your tracking number.

Tracking events are generated every time the package label is scanned in the carrier's network.

If a tracking event is unchanged for several days, it doesn't mean that your package is not moving. There may be several days between scans if the item is in transit nationally and internationally. We see this more often with international packages.

Generally no, this is not possible. Your best bet is to contact us before you receive a tracking number email/text indicating that we still haven't your package.
Occasionally this happens. A family member or roommate may have taken in the package and not informed you. You might also want to check to see that the parcel carrier has not left the package in an unusual location. Most of our packages are too large to leave in a mailbox. The package might be near the garage, porch, breeze-way, foyer etc. You might also want to check with your neighbor or leave a note for the letter carrier to ask about the delivery. You will also want to check the tracking link to make sure the package is not at the post office or in a parcel locker. If all else fails, please contact us.

This does not apply to purchases made within the USA.

Depending on your country, cross-borders shipments are subject to duties and taxes. These taxes were not included in the price of the goods you for paid online. Your local customs authority can charge you inbound duties and taxes. Unfortunately since we ship to many countries, we are not aware of which countries assess duties, on what products, and for how much. If you are not sure how much if/how much customs will charge, please contact your local authorities before completing your purchase.

Absolutely! Be sure to select the appropriate shipping option during the checkout process. Please note that MAXbarbell is not responsible for any hold-ups at customs or taxes/duties that may be incurred in your country. Please refer to your country’s customs agency if you have any doubts.
Yes, no problem.


We have been around since 2010. Just Google our name (maybe google something like "maxbarbell shoes" so you get more specific results). Customers having been talking about our products and service for years. We also are an Amazon seller and have reviews there, but we recommend purchasing from us directly for a more seemless experience. We have plenty of Google reviews here. Ask around, our customers love us and we love them!


Yes, 100%. Most federations have general rules about footwear, but do not specify specific brands. All our shoes meet the specs of the IPF and USPA and can be used at all levels of competition including international/worlds.
Certainly. Please subscribe to our email list here. Don't worry, we hardly ever email, maybe once or twice a month.
Maybe. For now we have discontinued carrying the Wei-Rui shoes. However we are constantly re-evaluting the needs of our customers. Definitely let us know if you want us to carry them so we can reassess demand.
Both are great shoes for deadlifts and general powerlifting training. Both shoes are flat and low to the ground, with unparalleled support and grip. If you are looking for a purely deadlift shoe and something closest to the ground as possible (2-3 mm), then the Deadlift-1. The sole on the Deadlift PRO has a slightly little thicker sole (but not much, around 5 mm total thickness) with a wider toe box. It is a little more supportive in the heel and midfoot, so if you usually squat in flats and want a shoe you can use for both deadlifts and squats (and bench), then we recommend the Deadlift PRO over the Deadlift-1. The Deadlift PRO is the recommendation if you have wide feet. You are going to be happy with either shoe.


Our MAXbarbell brand singlets meet all the specs in the rulebook for both the USAPL/IPF and USPA however they are not an officially approved brand of any federation. Since there is no logo on the outside of the singlet, they are usually fine to wear at any USAPL meet below the National level although you may want to double-check with your meet director before buying/wearing. The USPA does not have any manufacturer restrictions for singlets. They do have rules regarding logos and since ours do not have any logos, you should be good.

We carry a full range of ONI brand singlets. These are all IPF approved and can be worn at any level of IPF/USAPL competition level.

We recommend reviewing the rulebook regarding singlet for any powerlifting federations other than the USAPL and USPA.